I don't know how recipe-tuesdays turned in to recipe-wednesday this week, but just go with it!
This week is not as much a recipe as it is a breakfast tip. My eating is a mess, I'm not a breakfast person, and when the day starts I forget about anything remotely close to food. If I'm lucky I eat two meals a day, mostly not. I've come in to something of a routine lately of making myself oatmeal for lunch (noon-ish), I only remember because I set a reminder on my phone that says "EAT", it works for me.
A lot of people tell me they don't understand how I can eat oats everyday, because it is so boring.. I almost fell off my chair the first time I heard that. Oatmeal is so versatile and there are hundreds of different ways to make it. So here we go:
To make my oatmeal I use 1 part oats and 2 parts milk (I use 50g oats and 100g milk, keeps me full for hours!). The same applies for overnight oats, just don't boil it ;) If I want to I might add a few ingredients into the oatmeal, those are usually:
- An egg (add the egg and whisk til your arms almost fall off to keep it from separating)
- Spinach
- Dried fruits and berries ( my favorites are raisins, gojiberries and blueberries)
- Proteinpowder
- Peanutbutter
- Cocoapowder
- Nuts
- Seeds
The options are endless, all you need is a bit of imagination
I'm a big fan of toppings and as much as I love my mountain of cinnamon on top of my porridge, sometimes it's good to change your ways a bit
- frozen fruits and berries
- Chocolate
- Coconut (be it flakes or sprinkles, you choose!)
- Fresh fruits and berries
- Brown cheese (It's a norwegian cheese, and a lot of us use it on top of our porridge. Melts slightly and gives it an amazing taste. Kind of like caramel
- Caramel sauce
- Chocolate sauce
Hopefully, you got a bit of inspiration from this and if you try this, and still find oatmeal/porridge boring I give up (-: