
tirsdag 20. januar 2015

Recipe of the Week: Amazing Herb Dressing

Now, I'll admit I'm not really sure what to call this, but I'm going with dressing for now. I use this for everything. Salads, pizza, salmon, chicken and I might have used it on top of my crisp bread last night! This is originally a recipe from Per Lauritz Liens book "fat enough", but I've tweaked it quite a bit! Due to low blood pressure I need a bit more salt than most, I also like it spicy and use ridiculous amounts of chili sauce and garlic. Adjust the ingredients to your liking! (-:

You'll need:
2 eggs
4 dl olive oil
2 tbs mustard
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 ts salt
A shitload of fresh herbs ( I use Basil, Thyme, Parsley and Oregano)
4 cloves of garlic
4 Tbs chili sauce
3 dl greek yoghurt
A squeeze of lemon

I just wack everything into a blender and let it do what it does best! This stuff is seriously delicious and so versatile! I use it on everything!