As I have exams coming up soon, one on the 3rd of November, and then one on the 6th, I have decided to take a teenie-tiny break from listmaking. It takes a lot of my time coming up with lists,and then editing the photos to my liking. I need to focus completely on metabolism, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system at the moment. Because, it's so damn hard! Luckily, I do find it interesting. The 15Things_ instagram will also be taking a break at the same time. I Hope you, my one reader, understands this. I'll see you in a week. Until then; stay safe and happy! Adieu
søndag 26. oktober 2014
15 Things day 25 | Morning routine
15 Things,
365 lists,
Greatest Comforts,
lørdag 25. oktober 2014
fredag 24. oktober 2014
torsdag 23. oktober 2014
onsdag 22. oktober 2014
15 Things day 21 | Things to give away for christmas
15 Things,
365 lists,
Present ideas
tirsdag 21. oktober 2014
mandag 20. oktober 2014
søndag 19. oktober 2014
15 Things day 18 | Things to be proud of
15 Things,
365 lists,
Things to be proud of
lørdag 18. oktober 2014
15 Things day 17 | Favorite Books
If you're looking for great books to read, or maybe you're just curious of what books are other peoples favorites you should check out thegreatestbooks. They have lists of the greatest books ever written. You can search by deacade, or not if you want to. You can also mark the books as 'read' or 'want to read'. That way you can always find a new book to read (-: Have a great weekend!
fredag 17. oktober 2014
15 Things day 16 | Reasons I depend on lists
Apparently, the best lists contain 10 items only. But being the rebel I am, I might stick with 15 for now. Have a great day!
torsdag 16. oktober 2014
onsdag 15. oktober 2014
tirsdag 14. oktober 2014
mandag 13. oktober 2014
søndag 12. oktober 2014
15 Things day 11 | Favorite Movies
If it hadn't been for the fact that I don't drink, I might have thought that I was drunk when I made this. Chances are, I was really tired! I Mean; The items on this list is CLEARLY not songs, but movies. however, I don't have time to change it at this time. So here goes, My favorite movies at the moment.
lørdag 11. oktober 2014
fredag 10. oktober 2014
torsdag 9. oktober 2014
I'm not good at having my camera handy, so if something happens I might have to snap a photo with my phone (which is shit if there isn't good lighting). Note to self: keep camera around at all times. These photos are of my pets, and I feel like this is the first step to full on catlady.. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Some of these are photos I've taken with my camera, but most of them are from my phone. I did want the photos I share here to be a bit higher quality, but these are just too damn cute not to share. So I'm making a one time exception.
onsdag 8. oktober 2014
tirsdag 7. oktober 2014
Difference of opinion
I'm a Christian, I believe in God and I try to live by the values of the bible. Now, I'm not a fanatic, nor do I go to church ever or preach the word of the Lord to everyone who doesn't want to hear it. I've also been living with a man I'm not married to for the past four years, but that's a story for another day. I won't push my opinions on you, and I expect the same in return. I don't understand what makes people think that belittling your views and opinions is in any way OK. Because it's not. At all. Telling me that god does not exist won't make say; "well, okay then! I'm Atheist now". It's a matter of respect. I respect that you don't believe, I just wish these people would respct the fact that I do and just leave it at that. Not every single Christian is a judgemental arse by the way, just saying.
It doesn't end at religion. Off the top of my head I can list Rasicm, Politics and personal taste as things I don't expect others to share my views on, and that I know some people will expect that I do share theirs. Honestly, if you can't respect that you and I have different views on things then I really don't understand why we're talking to each other. I don't need that in my life at all. By the way, if you've EVER started a sentence with "I'm not a racist, but..." then yes you are, little bit. A little bit racist.
Just imagine how boring life would be if everyone agreed on everything. Think of those politic debates, can you say party? "We believe this and that!" "we agree!"....... well, that would be fun!
mandag 6. oktober 2014
This weekend.
Some days are better than others. If you're struggling with anxiety it's no different. This weekend I've been in a place of judging myself hard. Every word I say or every thing I do goes under a microscope of "who's gonna hate me for speaking those words, or for doing it that way or for simply being?" I feel judged by everyone, I mean why did the lady at my local store smile at me while I was buying 4 danish pastries? Did she think I was going home to eat them alone like the pig she's probably sure I am? I swear to god I almost cried then and there. Now that my panic attack is over I understand that she was just being nice and probably didn't look my way twice, but I hope you see where I'm going with this.
That is why my posts have been on the darker side of things this weekend, I tend to go there when my anxiety is bad. What can I say? It's one of the curveballs life throws at you. I choose to look at it as a quirk about my personality that the people I let in see as cute and not to very disturbing. Though I do try to spare them from most of it, and fight some of my battles solo.
True story: I once had a major panic attack because I thought I had depression. This was around the time I found out that what I had was actually anxiety so I googled it, which I regret to this day. Dr. Google kindly informed me that a lot of people with anxiety also had depression, and I started looking for signs. I actually sat there, in front of my computer thinking about whether I might have depression or not. I had been feeling a bit down, and this happend to be at a time my anxiety was bad. So I started crying, absolutely positive that I was depressed. Long story short; I don't have depression. Like any other humanbeing I have good times and bad times, and just because I have anxiety doesn't mean that I'm also depressed.
When I'm having a panic attack, especially if I'm in public I'm fighting those tears so hard, but I've found ways of not letting it show on the outside. Sometimes I win that battle, sometimes I lose it. I used to worry about being perseived as weak for crying in front of others, now I just think; fuck it. If they think I'm weak, let them. Chances are; they haven't been in a similar situation before. And for that I'm happy for them, I don't wish this on anyone.
It's exhausting having those thoughts, but I'm working through it one day at a time. I don't have as many panic attacks as I used to. The lump of anxiety in my belly isn't there all the time anymore and I have found ways of dealing with how I turned out to be in a way that works for me at this moment in time. It is a lot easier knowing what this is, instead of wondering what's wrong with me. I'll admit it was easier when I thought this was something everybody was dealing with. The time in between finding out not everybody felt that way and finding out why I was, was hard, but I got through it. You can't let it consume you. Bad times pass and luckily I have more good days than bad days.
That is why my posts have been on the darker side of things this weekend, I tend to go there when my anxiety is bad. What can I say? It's one of the curveballs life throws at you. I choose to look at it as a quirk about my personality that the people I let in see as cute and not to very disturbing. Though I do try to spare them from most of it, and fight some of my battles solo.
True story: I once had a major panic attack because I thought I had depression. This was around the time I found out that what I had was actually anxiety so I googled it, which I regret to this day. Dr. Google kindly informed me that a lot of people with anxiety also had depression, and I started looking for signs. I actually sat there, in front of my computer thinking about whether I might have depression or not. I had been feeling a bit down, and this happend to be at a time my anxiety was bad. So I started crying, absolutely positive that I was depressed. Long story short; I don't have depression. Like any other humanbeing I have good times and bad times, and just because I have anxiety doesn't mean that I'm also depressed.
When I'm having a panic attack, especially if I'm in public I'm fighting those tears so hard, but I've found ways of not letting it show on the outside. Sometimes I win that battle, sometimes I lose it. I used to worry about being perseived as weak for crying in front of others, now I just think; fuck it. If they think I'm weak, let them. Chances are; they haven't been in a similar situation before. And for that I'm happy for them, I don't wish this on anyone.
It's exhausting having those thoughts, but I'm working through it one day at a time. I don't have as many panic attacks as I used to. The lump of anxiety in my belly isn't there all the time anymore and I have found ways of dealing with how I turned out to be in a way that works for me at this moment in time. It is a lot easier knowing what this is, instead of wondering what's wrong with me. I'll admit it was easier when I thought this was something everybody was dealing with. The time in between finding out not everybody felt that way and finding out why I was, was hard, but I got through it. You can't let it consume you. Bad times pass and luckily I have more good days than bad days.
søndag 5. oktober 2014
Sexual Abuse
Being a human being in my twenties with a lot of freetime on my hands I spend alot of time on the internet, and the last few months I've noticed something that I find repulsing, and that I would like to speak my opinion on.
Some internet celebrities (off of youtube, blogs etc.) have been abusing young girls sexually, and the whole internet community (which I'm not even a part of, I'm the weird girl in the corner of this party desperately hoping she'll fit in) is raging! And rightly so, I might add. Blogposts about how wrong it is for these people to use their possition of fame for this, fans backing these people up by saying they just made a mistake (damn right they did, they had sex with underage people, some of them against their will, knowing damn well what they were doing was wrong), and that they will always stay by their side.
And this is just one of the many things I find disturbing: WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?! The facts are simple; What they did was wrong, there should be consequenses beyond a slap on the wrist, and just a public appology will not do no matter how sorry these people claim to be. If there ever was a legit reason to leave a fandom, I'm sorry but this is it. You should start a new fandom instead, for these girls that are brave enough to tell their stories publicly, I have so much admiration for those girls.
The other thing I find disturbing is, why are you not talking about all the others, who were sexually abused, but not by someone who just happend to be famous. What about them? You can never talk to much about these things!
Now, If you reading this have been sexually abused in any way; Know there is someone to talk to. Please, don't keep this to yourself. You should never feel ashamed or guilty for something like this. And know that even though I don't know anything about you, you're in my thoughts.
Some internet celebrities (off of youtube, blogs etc.) have been abusing young girls sexually, and the whole internet community (which I'm not even a part of, I'm the weird girl in the corner of this party desperately hoping she'll fit in) is raging! And rightly so, I might add. Blogposts about how wrong it is for these people to use their possition of fame for this, fans backing these people up by saying they just made a mistake (damn right they did, they had sex with underage people, some of them against their will, knowing damn well what they were doing was wrong), and that they will always stay by their side.
And this is just one of the many things I find disturbing: WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?! The facts are simple; What they did was wrong, there should be consequenses beyond a slap on the wrist, and just a public appology will not do no matter how sorry these people claim to be. If there ever was a legit reason to leave a fandom, I'm sorry but this is it. You should start a new fandom instead, for these girls that are brave enough to tell their stories publicly, I have so much admiration for those girls.
The other thing I find disturbing is, why are you not talking about all the others, who were sexually abused, but not by someone who just happend to be famous. What about them? You can never talk to much about these things!
Now, If you reading this have been sexually abused in any way; Know there is someone to talk to. Please, don't keep this to yourself. You should never feel ashamed or guilty for something like this. And know that even though I don't know anything about you, you're in my thoughts.
15 Things, day 4 || Phobias
I know there's a typo there, but honestly, I can't be bothered to correct it right now. I know it's there, and I'm OK with it (-:
lørdag 4. oktober 2014

True story: Today I wore a flowercrown I found in the back of my closet the entire day, just because I'm not ready for summer to leave just yet, I paired it with a summer dress.
fredag 3. oktober 2014
Taking online classes
I'm taking online classes for college. And the most common assumption people make is that I'm lazy. They seem to think that I sleep in every day, eat a lot and spend most of my time watching TV and netflix. What these people don't understand is that I work pretty damn hard to do well, so that I in time can get my masters degree (and hopefully a doctorate someday).
I want good grades and I want to do well. The bachelors degree I want is only in Oslo, and at this moment I can't just up and leave. I have responsibilities here. I have a house, and my boyfriend and life is here. I can't move to Oslo, and honestly, I don't want to. Here's a little something I made to show the difference between how people think life as an online student is, and how it actually is (-:
Fun fact: I did in fact waste almost a full day doing exactly what I don't want people to think I'm doing, to show them that I'm not doing those things. Think about it..
I want good grades and I want to do well. The bachelors degree I want is only in Oslo, and at this moment I can't just up and leave. I have responsibilities here. I have a house, and my boyfriend and life is here. I can't move to Oslo, and honestly, I don't want to. Here's a little something I made to show the difference between how people think life as an online student is, and how it actually is (-:
Fun fact: I did in fact waste almost a full day doing exactly what I don't want people to think I'm doing, to show them that I'm not doing those things. Think about it..
torsdag 2. oktober 2014
15 Things
Everyday I post a photo on instagram with a list of 15 Things. Previous lists have been favorite pizza topping and people I admire. I will from now on be posting the same lists here. I'm calling this 365 lists (I recently found out about 52 lists, which is basically the same thing, only its once a week instead of everyday) and if you want to join, you are more than welcome to do so!
If you want to find me on instagram I'm 15Things_ there (-:
Here is todays list:
If you want to find me on instagram I'm 15Things_ there (-:
Here is todays list:
There's no place like mom's house.
There's something about going home to my mom's house I find really calming. Sometimes I go there just to sit, to be. Nobody's home and I will find a blanket and just lie there looking around. One of the things I love about my mom is the ability she has to making everything better. At 23 years old I still have faith in that, and I probably always will
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